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Athena Wan is a
HealthTech and FinTech product designer

Complex problems ︎ Simple solutions   /   Team collaboration   /   Systems-thinking   /   Research-driven design   /   FemTech   /   Mental Health   /   TCM   /   


B2B • Web (In Progress)

Closing gaps in patient care with AI

Leading end-to-end design on a clinical HealthTech product that helps clinicians and management close patient care gaps and increase care quality in nursing facilities.

B2C • Web & Mobile (Shipped 2024)

Blackwing - Cultivating a trusted and engaging space for traders to invest

I led 0-to-1 design in collaboration with PM and Eng to design a platform that allows users to invest in Blackwing before we “went public”.

B2C • Web & Mobile (Shipped 2023)

Drift - Increasing product discoverability

Redesigned navigation to increase product offering discoverability and product usage.

B2C • Web (Shipped 2023)

Jito - Improving financial decision-making

Redesigned data visualizations and dashboard structure to decrease time spent on interpreting dashboard information.